Go with the flow and use cloth pads, there are patterns and colours to suit nearly every personality.
We know initially you might be thinking ewww, I’ll have to wash that in my machine. However at some point in your life you’ll be washing period blood from clothes or sheets, either as a parent, a teen or menopausal woman with unpredictable cycles. The easiest way to clean cloth pads is to rinse them out while you’re having a shower so they are ready to go into the machine. You’ll see your period while you’re in the shower anyway.
There are many benefits to using cloth pads:
– Reusable sanitary pads are softer, more comfortable and prettier than disposable products. If you’re sick of having the sticky part attach itself to parts of you, this won’t happen with cloth pads. Plus you can move them if they were placed in the wrong spot on your underwear.
– Cloth sanitary pads are a discrete option, not many people especially men know what it is when they see them. They are quieter to put on and take off, no more rustling of plastic packets opening new pads in the cubical. And there is no big screech noise when the pad comes off.
– They are much prettier to look at clean or dirty, you may even have a slight glimpse of excitement when your period starts because you get to wear your pretty pads again. But the better part is seeing all the pretty patterns in the draw because you period has finished.
– Using them along with a mini wet bag makes it easier when going out, if you need to change your pad simply place the used one inside the bag. The mini wet bags just looks like a little makeup bag.
– You will also save hundreds of dollars by switching to reusables, plus you’ll save a lot from going into landfill too. On average a woman will use nearly 200 pads per year, making the switch even to just your light days will make a big impact over the 30-40 years of menstruation.
If you’re more of a Tampon user than the menstrual cup might be the option for you. These are safer than tampons and pose less risk for toxic shock syndrome and can be left in place for up to 12 hours. We can talk more on these at a later time.
So either put a cup in it or wrap with cloth instead and remember no matter how often you choose a reusable option every time helps the environment and your hip pocket.