LearnLocal expertsCairns Vet Clinic The Cost of a Cat Over Their Lifetime Cats make great pets and whilst the cost of owning a cat is generally cheaper…Dr. Richard ThomasSeptember 22, 2019
LearnLocal expertsCairns Vet Clinic What Are the Options for Tick Paralysis Prevention? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvCP_DCb9ec In Australia around, 75,000 dogs and cats are paralysed by paralysis ticks each year.…Dr. Richard ThomasSeptember 9, 2019
LearnLocal expertsSunbird Orthodontics What an Orthodontist Does (That a Dentist Can’t) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HzDzMDwVpo Firstly, an Orthodontist IS a dentist! The main difference is that they have done…Dr. Bobby GriffinSeptember 6, 2019