The transition from Kindy into “big school” can be adaunting experience for both children and parents. Here at MacKillop Catholic College, we work hard to ensure that the process is as smooth and anxiety-free as possible for everyone.

There are four Prep Transition sessions are designed to help your child gradually settle into our unique learning spaces, become familiar and comfortable with our school staff, as well as give our little ones the opportunity to meet and make some new friends.
During the Transition sessions, the 2023 Preps and their families begin to learn routines in readiness for activities such as placing drink bottles in place and collecting their name tag. They will also engage in learning activities, in preparation for being at school. The teaching team will observe the children during the four sessions in order to make plans for a smooth start in 2023, based on the interests, skills and needs of the children. Our program is collaboratively developed and delivered by the the teaching leaders, and may include specialist teachers and our Learning Support Team.
Prep 2023 students will receive their own very important “MacKillop Prep Starter Pack” at the end of the first session. This starter pack contains important information including a fabulous book donated by the Parents & Friends, and special literacy and reading tasks required for Day 1 next year. This pack will help support you and your child to be ready for their first day of school in 2023.
Parents can help prepare their child for school by practising some important skills at home:

- Opening and closing drink bottles
- Opening their lunch box and the containers within
- Dressing in uniform and putting on shoes and socks
- Packing their school bag
- Knowing their full name
- Having a regular bedtime and sleep routine
With loving support, some preparation, and practise, you can be confident that your child will have the best possible start to their educational journey. There are a very limited number of places left for Prep in 2023 at MacKillop Catholic College, Mount Peter. If you would like to submit an application for your child for next year, or for 2024, please visit our website and click on the “Apply Online” button.