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Are cavities a problem for baby teeth?

Even though baby teeth are temporary, decay and cavities can cause life-long damage, including infections and orthodontic issues. Don’t ignore the health of baby teeth!

Should my child get a dental sealant?

Sealants are most effective when they’re placed right after permanent molars come in. This is usually around age 6 for the first molars and age 12 for the second molars.

When should I schedule my child’s first dental visit?

Make sure your child has their first dentist visit by age one or 6 months after their first tooth comes in, whichever comes first.

How should I take care of my child’s teeth?

During infancy, use a soft cloth to clean their gums. Once their first tooth comes in, make sure to schedule your child a dental check-up and start a routine of brushing their teeth before bed. Most importantly, avoid giving your baby juice or fizzy drinks in their bottle. Even with proper brushing, sugary drinks like these are the leading cause of tooth decay.