Seven years ago a woman by the name of Bree came to me with an idea. A monthly column called “Daddy Diary” in which I would write about life as a newly minted parent. Bree admitted the money wasn’t great (or there at all), but the piece would be a good opportunity to promote my breakfast radio show. In a market where budgets are tight it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. I thought to myself “let’s give it a few months and see how it goes”. Fast forward seven years and here I am writing my very last print column for PakMag.
Back then I was pretty naive when it came to the world of parenting. My wife Michelle and I only had the one back then. Little Matilda. Only 12 months old and barely out of newborn nappies. Now she’s a bright, bubbly and intelligent eight going on 18-year-old. Where did the time go?
Of course about halfway through my tenure at PakMag our little Charlie boy came along. He turns four this month and is proof that no two siblings are ever the same. If Matilda was the “easy” child, let’s just say Charlie was the one sent to challenge us. As second borns so often are. Our little boy, so full of life and personality. We wouldn’t change a thing.
Honestly, the best thing about writing for this publication over the last seven years has not been the full-page story or the opportunity to promote the radio show. Not even close. It’s been the opportunity to reflect on the joys of being a father to a couple of really incredible children. To once a month just sit and type about the hardest, yet best job in the world – being a parent. That has been absolutely priceless.

To my beautiful wife and children, Michelle, Matilda and Charlie, thanks for the content. And most importantly thanks for letting me publish it. To the readers that chat to me about my column and have a laugh, thanks for reading. And Bree and the team at PakMag, thanks for making me stop once a month and focus on what is really important in life – Family!