“In early childhood at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School, we provide a warm, nurturing, home-like environment filled with simple ‘open-ended’ playthings to encourage creative and imaginative free play” explains Ms Shelley Pollard, Early Childhood Coordinator. “During a child’s day there are times of the ‘in-breath’; these are times for quiet attention to what is happening, a time of inwardness when the children make craft, bake bread, sing songs and listen to oral stories. While times of the ‘out-breath,’ are times for expansion, a time to let go and turn their attention to the world in exploration and play.”
At Cairns Hinterland Steiner School, we offer three Early Childhood programs; ‘Sunbird’ for three to four-year olds, ‘Lilly Pilly’ for four to five-year olds, and ‘Rose Apple’ for five to six-year old ‘Prep’ children. In addition, we also run child focussed Playgroup sessions.

In Rose Apple, we deliver a unique play-based Prep curriculum, where in an average week, the children have periods of free play (often involving construction activities, role playing, pretend play), artistic activities (painting, modelling, music, movement), practical activities (cooking, gardening, craft), oral literacy and language (story-telling, puppet shows) and physical activities (games, bush walks). All of which provide a solid foundation for literacy and academic learning.
“Until Class One, the children are not introduced to an academic programme; they are simply allowed to be children. Research shows the overwhelming benefit of the role of play in supporting intellectual achievement and social wellbeing in children.” says Ms Shelley Bowen, Education Director at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School.
In the first seven years of life, the young child is characterised by a gesture of trust and openness toward the world. They absorb sense impressions right into their being without the reflective or analytical skills of the older child or adult. “As teachers, we strive to be worthy of imitation and to provide examples of wholesome, purposeful work for the children to imitate.” says Ms Shelley Pollard, Early Childhood Coordinator.
Join us for our Spring Fair, Saturday 28 August 2021 from 10.00am, and feel our unique community spirit! Dance the Maypole, see our students perform in their choir and music ensembles, enjoy wholesome food and drink and join in with the activities and games for children and adults. All are welcome. Contact the school for more information admin@chss.qld.edu.au or 4093 8809.