Kenfrost Homes caught up with formula 500s racecar driver #99 Ash Ewing after winning the finals series at the Cairns International Speedway to find out the challenges he had to overcome on the journey to the top! Kenfrost Homes proudly supports numerous charities, organisations, and sporting groups helping to provide opportunities that would otherwise not be possible.
1. How excited were you for the Formula 500s series finals?
I was more nervous than excited, there was a lot going on behind the scenes to make sure we had our best shot possible at taking home the trophy.
2. How did you get everything back on track after flipping the vehicle in the previous race meeting crash?
We are all set to go now, we completely took the car apart between last meeting and this meeting. We double checked every nut and bolt and made sure nothing could go wrong and give me the best chance at winning. We’ve got a good spares package and were confident of putting everything back together.
3. How did you approach the series finals being so close in the points race to a seasoned veteran in John Magro?
It’s just another race meeting, I know there’s a lot more at stake, but I’m sure John sees it as just another race as well, we both had a job to do and we were going out to do the best we could.
4. How much have you enjoyed the Cairns Speedway racing this year in 2022?
I think this year has been my favourite year of racing. I’ve had a lot more battles on track, a lot more passing, Cairns Speedway have done a really good job this year. When I’m not in the wall, my style is to be on the top side. I try to be aggressive and it sometimes gets me into trouble being on the top side but it also pays off a lot of the time.

5. You’re the 2022 Formula 500s Series Champion, you came 4th, 3rd, 7th in the heats respectively then 2nd in the Feature to finish on top how did you think the racing went?
It started off a bit rough but we got there in the end, and that was the main goal. The track was interesting, it’s always good to have a different look and not know what to expect, sometimes it’s unpredictable and bites you in the backside, but sometimes it works out for you.
6. You’ve recently announced a charity partner, tell us about what you are doing there?
We will be supporting Cancer Council Queensland for the rest of this year and onward, it is a cause that is close to us. We will be donating $1 per point scored each night (max 80 points) at each race meeting. What we would like to do is see if any of our sponsors or supporters would like to match this or more and help stop this terrible disease.

7. What’s next for Ash Ewing?
We plan to go to Toowoomba and Archerfield during the Easter series but other than that we’re not too sure yet, we’ll just play it by ear. I think the tires have chewed up a bit of Dad’s bank balance this year so we’ll see how we go.
8. Would you jump into a Sprint car next year or stay with Formula 500
Nah we’ll be in the formula 500 racecar, we had a few talks about going into a sprintcar, but nothing is set in stone. We will see next year or some point in the future chat more about that. I think it’s exciting in the Formula 500s, Chea O’brien, Underwood girls are always up there Tess and Lexi, Nate Cambell is also another one just come out of juniors, and Brody Duncan for sure will be tough next year.
Good luck Ash we’re right behind you!