Each year, Abacus by Wallis, a leading name in tutoring Abacus and mental calculation skills, hosts the Abacus Skills Challenge where students demonstrate their calculation speed and accuracy. This year the challenge had students from prep to year 7 battling for the top spot in each grade. Meet the four winners of this year’s challenge.

Grade A: Zara Lee
Favourite subject: Maths Other hobbies: I play Piano and Cello. How often do you practise Abacus? I practise a couple of days a week at home and with the Abacus class. What is your favourite thing about Abacus? It makes my maths skills better. What is the hardest thing about Abacus? Being timed doing large equations. How do you overcome this? Practise it. What is your dream job? I Don’t know yet.
Grade B: Mei Hartnett
Favourite subject: English Other hobbies:I like reading books. How often do you practise Abacus? Four times a week. What is your favourite thing about Abacus? Mental calculation What is the hardest thing about Abacus? Division is the hardest thing for me to do. How do you overcome this? By practising every day. What is your dream job? I want to be a wolf biologist

Grade C: William McDevitt
Favourite Subject: My favourite subject is Mathematics. Other Hobbies: I like playing sports. How often do you practise Abacus? I practise twice a week. What is your favourite thing about Abacus? It helps me with my Mathematics skills. What is the hardest thing about Abacus? Division is hard for me. How do you overcome this? I practise a lot of division. Dream Job? Making my own business.

Grade D: Aya Nishikawa
Favourite Subject: Maths. Other Hobbies: I like crafting things with cardboard. Recently I made an ATM machine. How often do you practise Abacus? I practise once a week. What is your favourite thing about Abacus? It makes calculating easier for me. What is the hardest thing about Abacus? Calculating large numbers is hard. How do you overcome this? I keep practising. Dream Job? I want to be a Vet because I have two dogs and I love them