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Cairns is full of local producers who can help your family eat well and support the local economy at the same time. We’ve rounded up a list of 20 places to shop local in Cairns that you will LOVE!

In a world of internet shopping and easy accessibility of goods from interstate and overseas, it has become commonplace to expect produce at the supermarket, clothes on the racks and packages at our door to have a less-than-local origin. But with convenience sometimes comes compromise. So why not look in your own backyard to explore the benefits of buying local?


Spoil your loved ones, support your community

Natural Evolution Foods, Walkamin
Banana Flour, superfood powders and skincare products

Cairns Regional Gallery Gift Shop
A range of products from artists and designers in the Far North.

Cairns Night Markets
Perfect place for handmade local gifts

Why should we buy local? 

Support The Local Economy
When money is put into our community, more of it is kept within the local economy compared with buying from national conglomerates and thus stimulating growth closer to home.

Creates More Jobs
Buying local not only supports business owners but their employees too. Supporting small business owners allows them to create more jobs within the community.

Get Better Service
When you buy direct from the producer, you purchase their labour of love and with that comes a passion to provide the best impression of their product. And that means the service too!

Support Your Community
Local businesses are owned by people who are invested in the community and hence are less likely to leave. With Cairns being so transient, buying local ensures the success of the community’s future.

Keep That Cairns Character
Many would agree that Cairns is certainly unique and buying locally grown produce, one-off creations and goods that can only be found in the area not only benefits the locals, but also tourists who want to purchase a piece of our precious region.

Reduce Environmental Impact
Every day, produce is shipped thousands of miles and into our stores. As the name suggests, local produce generally travels a considerably shorter distance to get in the hands of its consumers and therefore comes with a much smaller carbon footprint.

Eat Better
When food hasn’t been frozen, or travelled for days to get to you, it generally tastes much better and nutrient levels are much higher meaning you’re not compromising on flavour or healthiness when you buy local.