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A specialist orthodontist is highly trained to detect the full spectrum of orthodontic problems. And, these problems often occur at a very early stage in life. In fact, the shape of a child’s facial bones is often our first indication that a child, even with no adult teeth yet, will go on to develop orthodontic problems. Often this helps us recognise, from the moment a young child walks through the door, if they have a developing orthodontic problem – just from the shape of their face.

The Problem with Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids

Many children develop problems with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. In severe or prolonged cases this can lead to a recognisable facial posture that we describe as ‘adenoid faces’. Overall, children with such ‘adenoid faces’, almost always have severe orthodontic problems as a knock-on effect of their enlarged adenoids.

Revealing Potential Problems before or with Baby Teeth – Before They Become Severe

An examination in the dentist chair along with an OPG X-ray are both very important in detecting subtler orthodontic problems. An OPG X-ray taken around the age of nine years old can reveal many potential problems such as ectopic teeth (teeth growing in the wrong direction), impacted teeth, missing teeth and extra teeth.